2018/12/06 18:00
We've been introducing endangered species we met at ACCB in Siem Reap and in today's blog we're introducing the Adjutants!
Greater and Lesser Adjutants are both members of the Stork family. They have a close relative in Africa called the Marabou Storks (we've been watching Natgeo Wild at our hotel and they've been airing about Marabou Storks! We thought they were adjutants...they look quite similar!)
オオハゲコウ / Greater Adjutant
IUCN Red List :絶滅危機(1B類) / ENDANGERED
生息数 / Population :800~1,200
生息地 / Countries :カンボジア・インド / Cambodia, India
すでに絶滅 / Regionally extinct:ベトナム・ミャンマー・ラオス・タイ・ネパール・バングラデッシュ / Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Nepal, Bangladesh
見た目 / Appearance
As the name suggests they are the bigger of the 2 adjutant subspecies, measuring almost 3m wingspan and 1.4~1.5m height. Although they seem quite large up close, they weigh maximum only about 8kg. Birds are built for flying so they weigh lighter than they look!
Part of their skin hangs down from their throat to chest. They also have lighter coloured feathers at the tip of their wings.
繁殖について / Breeding
ACCB has started breeding the Greater Adjutants and you can meet a couple near the entrance of their facility. The male flies around frequently in its enclosure and its a pretty cool sight! Most of the enclosure is covered with a green net to encourage breeding.
This pair successfully laid eggs but unfortunately they fell from the nest... Apparently the male isn't too good at building a secure nest (it was his first time!) so ACCB staff made reinforcements to it. We all have our fingers crossed for the next breeding :)
コハゲコウ / Lesser Adjutant
IUCN Red List :絶滅危急(2類) / VULNERABLE
生息数 / Population :5,500~10,000
生息地 / Countries :カンボジア・ベトナム・タイ・ラオス・ミャンマー・インド・バングラデッシュ・インドネシア・
スリランカ・ブルネイ・マレーシア /
Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Brunei, Malaysia
すでに絶滅 / Regionally extinct:中国 / China
見た目 / Appearance
They look quite similar to the Greater but smaller in size. The colour of the tip of the wings are not lighter like the Greater, and they also don't have the sacks dangling from the neck. Depends on the individual but they tend to have more yellow skin around the neck.
繁殖について / Breeding
Lesser Adjutant pairs are also breeding at ACCB and in fact, on the first day we visited one of the eggs hatched!
During our 2nd visit, thanks to Mark we were able to meet the tiny Adjutant chick from outside the enclosure♥
They also had the green nets but there's a small hole to take a peek inside.
The one in front is the father and the one bending is the mother. When we approached the enclosure she was feeding the chick and during the whole time the father was standing by the nest :)
1 day old Lesser Adjutant chicks are this small... but they will be fully grown after about 4 months. It was such a precious and rare timing to see this!!
Mother sitting on the chick in over 30℃ weather...
絶滅危惧種としてのハゲコウたち / Threats to the Adjutants
Adjutants are threatened by deforestation, logging, environmental destruction, and illegal trade.
Both Greater and Lesser Adjutants need tall trees to build nests and rely on fish, small animals, birds and insects for food. Thus, a healthy ecosystem is a necessity for the Adjutants to thrive!
As for illegal trade, they are mainly hunted for meat and pet trade. Yes, although this big there are people who think to make them pets... In fact the female Greater Adjutant was originally kept as a pet and eventually handed over to ACCB.