2018/11/29 13:55

Currently there are approximately 44 species 600 animals at ACCB. Of these, 6 species 400 animals are in fact turtles and tortoises!
You can meet these 6 turtles/tortoises, but the last one (terrapin) is not included in the normal tours.

オオヤマガメ     Giant Asian Pond Turtle
マレーハコガメ     Southeast Asian Box Turtle
インドシナニシクイガメ     Mekong Snail-eating Turtle

絶滅危惧種(1B類)/ ENDANGERED
ヒジリガメ     Yellow-headed Temple Turtle
エロンガータリクガメ     Elongated Tortoise

バタグール・アフィニス     Southern River Terrapin

マレーハコガメ / Southeast Asian Box Turtle

主な生息地 / Main countries:カンボジア、タイ、ベトナム、ミャンマー、インドネシア、マレーシア、バングラデシュ / Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh

Last IUCN update was 2000 so data is not so reliable now.


A subspecies of box turtles native to southeast Asia. Box turtles like these guys can store their legs and head inside its shell and close the opening like a box! Sadly this protects itself from predators, but it doesn't help when they are being hunted by humans... But still a cool aspect right?


ACCB has been successful with the breeding of turtles and tortoises, and last year they have had 50 box turtle hatchlings! When they are mature enough (4~5 yrs old) they will be released in its natural habitat. Currently they are searching for a suitable area in Cambodia to release their 4~5 yr olds!

エロンガータリクガメ / Elongated Tortoise

主な生息地 / Main countries:カンボジア、ラオス、インド、ネパール、ミヤンマー、タイ、ベトナム、マレーシア、中国 / Cambodia, Laos, India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, China

Last IUCN update was 2000 so data is not so reliable now.

As the name suggests, Elongated Tortoises have longer shells; the length is almost double its height. They are also "tortoises", meaning they live on land and would never go swimming!

Like the photo, it was a hot and sunny day so all the tortoises were resting in the shade. This one was sleeping but it opened its eyes after sensing my presence!

When one is ready to mate their nose and around the eyes become pink. 


Not just the Elongated Tortoises but most of the tortoises/turtles in ACCB were confiscated by the government from illegal wildlife trade hunters. At ACCB they rehabilitate and breed the animals and release them at a suitable age around 4~5yrs old. This year 70 eggs hatched and they will be nurtured a few more years until they will be released.There are already many 4~5yr olders waiting to be released at Siem Pang!

バタグール・アフィニス / Southern River Terrapin (Batagur)

生息数 / Population:500~2500
生息地 / Countries:カンボジア、タイ、インドネシア、マレーシア / Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia
すでに絶滅 / Extinct in:ベトナム、シンガポール / Vietnam, Singapore 




The most endangered species you can meet is the Batagur affinis, or the Southern River Terrapin.
Batagurs can be found in Koh Kong province in Cambodia and ACCB worked with the government to protect the species. However, recent research came up with only 2 Batagur nests in the country...
At ACCB they house 27 Batagurs and their largest individual is a 34kg female who is approx 70 yrs old! She was a pet but grew too large and was handed over to ACCB.

The Batagur in the photo above is of her. They spend most of the time underwater so it was really difficult to get a good shot... but once in a while we got to see the silhouette of her large shell! 

Female Batagurs have a brownish look, but males are very dark coloured and have striking yellow eyes! During mating season they get red markings on the face. ACCB will be building more pools for these guys to give them more space and less stress during mating season.



Turtles and Tortoises are all threatened due to wildlife trade; as pets, food source, and medicinal purposes. They are exported mostly to China, but we were surprised to learn from a tour participant that turtles are also eaten in Peru! (Of course in Japan we eat them and keep them as pets too)
Turtle meats and turtle medicines are already a part of a unique culture so we believe it would be ideal if we find a more sustainable and harmonious way of balancing the cultural ways and not threatening the wild population.